CouchDB security and PouchDB authentication

CouchDB and PouchDB gain more and more attraction these days. IBM just acquired Cloudant which is big news for the CouchDB environment and NoSQL databases in general.

Today I want to focus on security and direct CouchDB access from the client. Accessing CouchDB without any server or proxy in between saves traffic and makes replication easy as. However taking a fresh CouchDB installation and exposing it to the Internet without any modifications is adventurous.

To be able to access CouchDB directly from PouchDB you’ll have to enable CORS. You also have secure CouchDB so only registered users and admins are allowed to perform operations. We’ll add a regular non-admin user to our db and finally use this user’s cookie in the client with PouchDB to create and read documents directly from our db.

Secure CouchDB

When you use CouchDB initially you are allowed to do anything you want. So first of all you have to deactivate the admin party. Click on the Fix this link in the bottom right corner of Futon. Enter some admin username and password.

Great, we now have our superuser. You should be able to see this user in your _users db.

Next make sure only registered users can perform operations on your db.

require_valid_user = true

Without any rights nobody is able to edit docs in your db. Therefore let’s add another user.

Add CouchDB user

This time we will add a non-admin user. You would usually do this whenever a new user signs up for you app. With nano you simply use the _users db and insert a new document. Make sure this document has roles and type keys.

var nano = require('nano')('http://admin:password@localhost:5984');
var _users = nano.use('_users');

// create a new user
var user = {
  name: 'john',
  password: 'secret',
  roles: [],
  type: 'user'

// add dummy user to db
_users.insert(user, 'org.couchdb.user:john', function(err, body) {
  if (err) console.log(err);
  // { 
  //   ok: true,
  //   id: 'org.couchdb.user:john',
  //   rev: '1-88146d8127296b34714569043cbac455' 
  // }

As you can see we’ve set the type to user so john doesn’t have any admin rights.

Activate CORS

I’m using CouchDB 1.5 and activating CORS can be done in the Configuration or at _utils/config.html. Simply edit your config so it looks like this

enable_cors = true

credentials = true
origins = http://localhost:3000

Now you can try to add a document to the db. It won’t work because the client isn’t authenticated yet.

Make CouchDB accessible from client

Use nano to authenticate a user on the server and get back the current session.

nano.auth('john', 'secret', function(err, body, headers) {
  // you'll need the headers object

The headers object looks like this.

  'set-cookie': [ 'AuthSession=am9objo1MzBEQ0JDMzo7DOo0cjtK5J7HiVwMTvjl3Y7Y_w; Version=1; Path=/; HttpOnly' ],
  date: 'Wed, 26 Feb 2014 11:10:59 GMT',
  'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
  'cache-control': 'must-revalidate',
  'status-code': 200,
  uri: 'http://admin:password@localhost:5984/_session' 

What we need is the AuthSession string in the set-cookie value. Use the cookie module to parse the header string.

var myCookie = cookie.parse(headers['set-cookie'][0]);
// { 
//   AuthSession: 'am9objo1MzBEQ0JDMzo7DOo0cjtK5J7HiVwMTvjl3Y7Y_w',
//   Version: '1',
//   Path: '/' 
// }

We now have a proper cookie object and can access our session id via myCookie.AuthSession. The next step is to send the cookie to the client. Use the res.cookie() method and set the cookie name to AuthSession. This is important! It has to be the same name that we got back from CouchDB. If you use some other name you’ll have to set the client request manually.

res.cookie('AuthSession', myCookie.AuthSession);
res.render('index', { title: 'Express' });

You are now able to perform operations on your CouchDB, which runs on a different server, directly from the client without getting any errors.


I’ve shown how to activate CouchDB’s security features and how to add admins and members. By activating CORS we enable cross-domain requests. Finally we took the session cookie from CouchDB and sent it to the client so they can directly talk to each other. That shifts traffic and logic away from the server.

The whole code is on GitHub. If you’ve got any comments, problems or ideas for improvements just leave a note in the issues.

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