Lockit 0.5.0 - Authentication for SPAs and CSRF support

Lockit 0.5.0 is out and I’ve added two new features.

  1. Authentication for single page applications (SPAs)
  2. CSRF support

Authentication for single page applications

In a SPA all the routing and template rendering is done on the client. Before version 0.5.0 Lockit caught relevant routes, like /login or /signup, and did the entire rendering on the server.

Starting with version 0.5.0 you’re able to use Lockit as a REST API and communicate via JSON. All you have to do is setting exports.rest = true in your config.js.

With REST enabled all default routes get a /rest prefix so you can catch /login on the client. To allow for true page refreshes (i.e. user is at /login and refreshes the page) all routes on the server, like /login and /signup, send the index.html from the public/ folder. From there your SPA has to take over.

Here is a short example how the process works.

  1. User sends GET request for /login
  2. Server has a route handler for this request and sends index.html back
  3. Client router takes over and renders /login page
  4. User enters credentials and submits the form
  5. Client controller catches submit and sends POST request to /rest/login
  6. Server handles POST request and validates user credentials
  7. Server sends status code 200 or some JSON with error message
  8. Client reacts to JSON from server and redirects on success or shows error

I’ve built a simple example using AngularJS on the client side.

CSRF support

All default views that come with Lockit and mutate state on the server now have a hidden input field.

<input type="hidden" name="_csrf" value=_csrf>

If you use your own custom views and you use CSRF protection on the server you must include this hidden field as well.

In your Express app you activate CSRF protection by using the csrf connect middleware.

app.use(function(req, res, next) {
  var token = req.csrfToken();
  res.locals._csrf = token;

Here we include the csrf middleware and write a tiny custom middleware. Our custom middleware gets the token from express.csrf() and sets the value to a local variable named _csrf. This local variable is then used in our view. If you don’t use CSRF protection the view will simply ignore the hidden input field.

With SPAs the implementation is a bit different. Since we don’t render the template on the server we cannot inject any variables directly into the view. We have to find another way to send the token to our client.

We do this by setting a cookie which is automatically read from AngularJS $http service and included in the subsequent request headers. For more information see my older post. The overall implementation is still the same but some minor things might have changed.

app.use(function(req, res, next) {
  var token = req.csrfToken();
  res.cookie('XSRF-TOKEN', token);


Lockit is slowly but steadily growing and I’m getting good feedback from the community. Test the new version and leave your comments and issues at GitHub.

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